spoon - long spoon used for
inspecting the food in the trouts stomach, so the correct
fly can
be used
Mayfly - world wide, the most commonly imitated
aquatic insect. Most dry fly and nymph patterns imitate
this insect. Nymph stage of the mayfly lasts approx.,
one year; adult stages last one to three days. The adult
has one pair of upright wings, making it look like a small
sailboat. Mayflies are commonly found in cold or cool
freshwater environments
Mending Line - method used after the line is on
the water to achieve a drag free float. It uses a flip,
or series of flips with the rod tip, which puts a horseshoe
shaped bow in the line. This slows down the speed with
which the line travels if mended upstream, and speeds
up the line if mended downstream. An example: if a cast
is across the flow of the stream and the fastest part
of the current is on your side, the mends would typically
be made upstream to slow the line down so it keeps pace
with the fly traveling in the slower current across from
Midge - a term properly applied to the small Dipterans
that trout feed on. Many people call them gnats. Adult's
appearance is similar to mosquitoes. Midges have two wings
that lie in a flat "V" shape over the back when at rest
Milt - The semen of a male fish; a term for the
semen-filled testes and sperm ducts of a male fish
Monofilament - a clear, supple nylon filament used
in all types of fishing that is available in many breaking
strengths and diameters
Muddler - normally a deer hair headed fly |